Why Everyday Should Feel Like Day 1: Love Your Present Journey

by | Feb 2, 2023 | Books, Mental Health

Can I Really Do It?

The pressure of beginning a mental health routine can be intimidating and you might encounter times of self doubt. View each moment as a new way to improve your life. One step at a time

Why Should I Even Try?

The benefits outweigh doing nothing at all. We are challenged everyday with scenarios that will test our love for ourselves and how we will fight. Start positive habits to be prepared for anything that makes you doubt you.


Treat Today As Day One and Act With Purpose and Happiness

I was thinking today how many times I don’t consciously make an effort to stay positive. I consider myself a positive person but sometimes I find myself distracted and get caught up in scenarios that make me think too much.

What Can I Do To Start A Better Inner Dialogue?

We have to be proactive in our conscious state and provide  positive self talk and outlooks so we can anchor to those images when times get tough.

Our subconscious mind responds to what we tell it. If we believe we are bad at somethings, our subconscious will follow that command. We don’t see the results of negative self talk immediately but you may later and describe it as a bad personality trait.

Who wants to believe that they have no control? Why would you want to feel like your destiny is out of your control?

If we can acknowledge our bad habits, we know that our thoughts can also produce good ones, which gives hope and optimism to all. We are a product of our thoughts.

Interesting Quote for Life

Films are developed in the dark; likewise, mental pictures are developed in the darkroom of the subconscious mind

What Can You Tell Your Subconscious To Begin?

“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy is such a powerful read.

The book discusses the many elements of how your mind works, the power of your subconscious and the various mental healing techniques you can apply to your life to live a happier and fulfilled life.

The reason I love this book so much is because I noticed the many different ways my thoughts were creating obstacles for me that I really never gave a look to. The parts of the book I love are the practical techniques to program your subconscious for success; how to use your subconscious for forgiveness, removing mental blocks, removing fear, harmonious human relations, and finding your happiness. Definitely pick this up to super charge your mind.


One Example of Subconscious Training

Have you ever noticed a bad habit and felt so defeated that you felt you will never overcome it? Joseph Murphy discusses this topic and states that declaring that you have a problem is the first step.

He then states,”If you are presented with a difficult situation and you cannot see your way clear, the best procedure is to assume that infinite intelligence within your subconscious mind knows all and sees all, has the answer, and is revealing it to you now. Your new mental attitude that the creative intelligence is bringing about a happy solution will enable you to find the answer. Rest assured that such an attitude of mind would bring order, peace and meaning to all your undertakings.”

The power of that thought was ground breaking for me. BELIEF. Believe in the power of you. How you speak to yourself and how you believe you can overcome everything is very important. If you believe you will fail your subconscious will do as it is told or conditioned to believe.


Exercise 1

Pick a phrase of belief for yourself. Choosing to be happy is a great goal. Here is an example Joseph Murphy gave:

“I am a spiritual and mental magnet attracting to myself all things, which bless and prosper me. I am going to be a wonderful success in all my life undertakings today. I am definitely going to be happy all day long.”

Start with this phrase in the morning and feel the emotion of what it entails. Embrace it. Maybe you have a goal in mind or a bad habit you want to change. State your objective of success and how good it would feel for you. Just like affirmations, our subconscious will be fed positive self talk that will change how we view ourselves.

If your mind wanders throughout the day just anchor back to this statement and vision. Quitting a bad habit? Think of people that will congratulate you and mean something to you. Anchor back to those thoughts to fight the negativity.

Enjoy the process of growing. This is just one example of enjoying the present journey and knowing that over time if you put in the work of feeling positive, your subconscious will help you with guiding you with those powerful statements and thoughts. Our thoughts change as long as we want them to. Keep trying friend, I am. rooting for you and believe you can do it. Today is Day 1.

Written By Mario J. Mendoza


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