After I Meditate

Meditation x Doing What You Love = +Mental Health





Start Here


Take time for yourself and start a meditation routine to give your mind and body the reset it needs


After meditating do something you love and watch that fresh energy transform your outlook, feeling revived

+Mental Health

Be proactive and work on your mental health, all it takes is a little effort to begin and the benefits last a lifetime


Start a breathing routine and watch your body thank you. Feel invigorated, calmer and relaxed so you can improve daily

Read More

Find resources on this site to explore more books and videos that can guide you and improve you conscious and subconscious mind


Don’t be afraid to reach out for professional help as we will explore options for licensed therapy. Choose Happiness

Small routine =big gains


Meditation just involves sitting with yourself and letting your mind go quiet. Then create!

Benefits of Starting a Routine Today

  • Meditate and create to prevent mental health low days
  • Let your clear mind guide you towards your passion projects
  • Push yourself to develop positive habits you can build on
  • Improve your happiness
  • Create positive routines to be proud of
  • Practice awareness of how you can change in small steps
  • Clear mind allows you to celebrate your happiness
  • Practice gratitude and appreciate the small things in life
  • There is no right way to do it, just be you and try
  • Explore your hidden talents without fear
  • Use daily progress to discovering the best version of YOU
  • Share your thoughts with people like you
  • Embrace the fact: You Are Never Alone, let this community help

our Work

Explore our articles that are constantly being added on topics of self improvement, meditation, breathing and improving mental health daily. We owe it to ourselves.

Why You Must Meditate: Andrew Huberman

Why You Must Meditate: Andrew Huberman

Below you will find a video titled: "Neuroscientist: You Must Meditate Everyday" by Andrew Huberman. This video provides some great insight into why meditation is so important and how our brain is operating when we do and don't meditate. Our thoughts are very powerful...

Take a proactive approach to improving your mental health. Explore your passion, new hobbies or fun ideas after you meditate. 

Meditation is such a beautiful experience that allows your mind to reach a level of stillness that many people take for granted. I know I did and I created this site to remind me and my community of the importance of mental health. We need to work on ourselves daily and it is such a beautiful feeling to experience stillness of the mind and then working on what you love. Nature is a constant reminder of how vast our world is and how beautiful it can be. Here we will explore ways to get started and find what is right for you.

power of meditation and creativity

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Bi-Weekly reminders of encouragement, practices and tools to create a healthier mind and enjoy our individual passions. 


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